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Practorthog Origgloss Translation Origorthog Notes
Nee' ndoo' yaa'nii Land / was not / they say. There was no land, they say. ne' n.doo' ya'.nii
Too shaanii haakwdang', ts'isnoo' ndoo' yaa'nii. Water / only / then, / mountains / were not, / they say There was only water then, there were no mountains, they say. too ca.nii hakW.duN' ts'us.noo' n.doo' ya'.nii
See ndoo' yaa'nii. Stones / were not, / they say There were no stones, they say. se n.doo' ya'.nii
Chin ndoo' yaa'nii. Trees / were not, / they say. There were no trees, they say. tcun n.doo ya'.nii
Tl'oh ndoo' yaa'nii. Grass / was not, / they say There was no grass, they say. tl'oH n.doo' ya'.nii
Toonai ndoo' yaa'nii. Fish / were not, / they say. There were no fish, they say. too.nai n.doo' ya'.nii
Intc'ee' ndoo' yaa'nii. Deer / were not, / they say. There were no deer, they say. in.tce' n.doo' ya'.nii
Jeeschow ndoo' yaa'nii. Elk / were not, / they say. There were no elk, they say. ges.tcoo n.doo' ya'.nii
Noonii## ndoo' yaa'nii. Grizzlies / were not, / they say. There were no grizzlies, they say. noo.nii n.doo' ya'.nii ##gfn 18: "In most dialects it means black bear, not grizzly."
Bitchow ndoo' yaa'nii. Panthers / were not, / they say. There were no mountain lions, they say. but.tcoo n.doo' ya'.nii
Yiishtc ndoo' yaa'nii. Wolves / were not, / they say. There were no wolves, they say yiicts n.doo' ya'.nii
Doolii ndoo' yaa'nii. Bears / were not, / they say. There were no black bears, they say doo.lii n.doo' ya'.nii
Ch'siitcin ndoo' yaa'nii, haakwdang'. Coyotes / were not, / they say, then There were no coyotes then, they say tc'.sii.tcun n.doo' ya'.nii hakW.duN'
Daatcaang' ndoo' yaa'nii. Ravens / were not, / they say. There were no ravens, they say da.tcaN' n.doo' ya'.nii
Bischloo ndoo' yaa'nii. Owls / were not, / they say. There were no great horned owls, they say bus.tc.loo n.doo' ya'.nii
Tc'intch'itseetcing ndoo' yaa'nii. Buzzards / were not, / they say. There were no buzzards, they say tc'un.t.kuts.tsee.tciN n.doo' ya'.nii
Ch'isai' ndoo' yaa'nii. Chicken-hawks / were not, / they say. There were no red-tailed hawks, they say tc'us.sai' n.doo' ya'.nii
Seelhch'woi ndoo' yaa'nii. Herons / were not, / they say. There were no great blue herons, they say seL.tc'ooii n.doo' ya'.nii
Chaalhnii ndoo' yaa'nii. Varied robins (?) / were not, / they say. There were no varied thrushes, they say tcaL.nii n.doo' ya'.nii
Dishchow ndoo' yaa'nii. Grouse / were not, / they say. There were no grouse, they say duc.tcoo n.doo' ya'.nii
Dishtc ndoo' yaa'nii. Quails / were not, / they say. There were no California quail, they say ductc n.doo' ya'.nii
Ch'isai'tcing ndoo' yaa'nii. Bluejays / were not, / they say. There were no scrub jays, they say tc'us.sai'.tciN n.doo' ya'.nii
Naakee'itc ndoo' yaa'nii. Ducks / were not, / they say. There were no ducks, they say na.kee.its n.doo' ya'.nii
Bintcbil ndoo' yaa'nii. Yellow-hammers / were not, / they say. There were no flickers, they say buntc.bul n.doo' ya'.nii
Tc'intyaash ndoo' yaa'nii. Condors / were not, / they say. There were no condors, they say tc'un.t.yac n.doo' ya'.nii
Chiiboowitc ndoo' yaa'nii. Screech owls / were not, / they say. There were no pygmy owls, they say tcib.boo.witc n.doo' ya'.nii
Chinch'ghiichow ndoo' yaa'nii. Woodcocks / were not, / they say. There were no pileated woodpeckers, they say tcun.tc'.gii.tcoo' n.doo' ya'.nii
Chinnilhtcintc ndoo' yaa'nii. Woodpeckers / were not, / they say. There were no Lewis' woodpeckers, they say tcun.nuL.tcunts n.doo' ya'.nii
Naa'shook'aa ndoo' yaa'nii. Robins / were not, / they say. There were no robins, they say na.coo'.k'a n.doo' ya'.nii
Djiitcwotc ndoo' yaa'nii. (A bird) / were not, / they say. There were no grosbeaks, they say tcitc.watc n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' tc'oolaakii ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / meadow-larks / were not, / they say. At that time there were no meadowlarks, they say hakW.duN' tc'oo.la.kii n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' see'eedintc ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / sparrow-hawks / were not, / they say. At that time there were no sparrow-hawks, they say hakW.duN' se.ee.duntc n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' chinch'baagh ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / woodpeckers / were not, / they say. At that time there were no chinch'baagh-woodpeckers, they say hakW.duN' tcun.tc.baG n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' bitck'ai' ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / seagulls / were not, / they say. At that time there were no sea gulls, they say hakW.duN' butc.k'ai' n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' tkaashchow ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / pelicans / were not, / they say. At that time there were no pelicans, they say hakW.duN' t.kac.tcoo n.doo' ya'.nii
Shlee' ndoo' yaa'nii. Orioles / were not, / they say. There were no orioles, they say cle' n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' seelhtc'indinii ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / mocking-birds / were not, / they say. At that time there were no yellow-breasted chats ("mockingbirds"), they say. hakW.duN' seL.tcun.dun.nii n.doo' ya'.nii
K'ai'ts'eehtc ndoo' yaa'nii. Wrens / were not, / they say. There were no wrentits, they say. k'ai'.ts'etc n.doo' ya'.nii
Djiidingooyaantc, tc'oh ndoo' yaa'nii. Russet-back thrushes, / black-birds / were not, / they say. There were no Swainson's thrushes or blackbirds, they say. djii.duN.goo.yantc tc'ooH n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' daatcan'tc ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / crows / were not, / they say. At that time there were no crows, they say. hakW.duN' da.tcAn'tc n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' tcleelintc ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / humming-birds / were not, / they say. At that time there were no hummingbirds, they say. hakW.duN' tc.lee.lintc n.doo' ya'.nii
Bisbintc ndoo' yaa'nii. (A small owl) / were not, / they say. There were no spotted owls, they say. bus.buntc n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' t'eebil ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / curlews / were not, / they say. Then there were no curlews, they say. hakW.duN' t'e.bul n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' seelhtc'indinii ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / mocking-birds / were not, / they say. At that time there were no yellow-breasted chats ("mockingbirds"), they say. hakW.duN' seL.tcun.dun.nii n.doo' ya'.nii
Naatc'aitc ndoo' yaa'nii. Swallows / were not, / they say. There were no swallows, they say. na.tc'aitc n.doo' ya'.nii
Baansiitc ndoo' yaa'nii. Sandpipers / were not, / they say. There were no shorebirds (sandpipers & killdeer),they say. ban.siits n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' tc'oolaakii ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / meadow-larks / were not, / they say. At that time there were no meadowlarks, they say hakW.duN' tc'oo.la.kii n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' lhtsoghing ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / foxes / were not, / they say. At that time there were no foxes, they say hakW.duN' L.tsoo.guN n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' bittc ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / wild-cats / were not, / they say. At that time there were no bobcats, they say hakW.duN' butc n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' siis ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / otters / were not, / they say. At that time there were no river otters, they say hakW.duN' siis n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' saahtc ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / minks / were not, / they say. At that time there were no minks, they say hakW.duN' saHtc n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' jeeschow ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / elks / were not, / they say. At that time there were no elk, they say hakW.duN' ges.tcoo n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' k'antaaghitc, daahtaa'itc ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / jack-rabbits / grey squirrels / were not, / they say. At that time there were no jackrabbits or grey squirrels,they say hakW.duN' k'un.ta.gits da.taits n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' slis ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / ground-squirrels / were not, / they say. At that time there were no ground-squirrels, they say hakW.duN' slus n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' gaashchowkw'it-kwiiyaagiitc' ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / red squirrels / were not, / they say. At that time there were no red squirrels, they say hakW.duN' gac.tcoo.k'wut.kwii.ya.gits n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' silsintc ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / chipmunks / were not, / they say. At that time there were no chipmunks, they say hakW.duN' sul.suntc n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' lhoon'lhgai ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / woodrats / were not, / they say. At that time there were no woodrats, they say hakW.duN' Loon.Lgai n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' naalhtoon'tc ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / kangaroo-rats / were not, / they say. At that time there were no kangaroo-rats, they say hakW.duN' naL.toon'ts n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' lhoon'tc'ghee'neeshtc ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / "long-eared mice" / were not, / theysay. At that time there were no deer mice, they say hakW.duN' Loon.tc.ge'.nectc n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' ch'laakii ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / sapsuckers / were not, / they say. At that time there were no acorn woodpeckers, they say hakW.duN' tc'.la.kii n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' kwiiyiint ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / pigeons / were not, / they say. At that time there were no band-tailed pigeons, they say hakW.duN' kwii.yiint n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' k'ai'kooslitc ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / (a bird) / were not, / they say. At that time there were no k'ai'kooslitc-birds, they say hakW.duN' kai.koos.lutc n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' isch'ighiiyiits ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / warblers / were not, / they say. At that time there were no warblers, they say hakW.duN' s.tc'ug.gii.yiits n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' kaah ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / geese / were not, / they say. At that time there were no geese, they say hakW.duN' kaH n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' deelh ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / cranes / were not, / they say. At that time there were no cranes, they say hakW.duN' deL n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' naa'gooltciik ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / (a bird) / were not, / they say. At that time there were no spotted towhees, they say hakW.duN' na.gool.tciik n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' main ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / weasels / were not, / they say. At that time there were no weasels, they say hakW.duN' main n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' waanintcii'## ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / wind / was not, / they say. At that time there was no wind, they say hakW.duN' wa.nun.tcii' n.doo' ya'.nii ##gfn 34: "Contains the prefix wa- 'through' (III, 44) and the root -tcii 'to blow' (III, 274). The wind blows only when one of the four doors of the great world house is left open."
Haakwdang' yaahs ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / snow / was not, / they say. At that time there was no snow, they say hakW.duN' yas n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' loo ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / frost / was not, / they say. At that time there was no frost, they say hakW.duN' loooo n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' titbil ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / rain / was not, / they say. At that time there was no rain, they say hakW.duN' tut.bul n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' doo-naitgeet yaa'nii. Then / it didn't thunder, / they say. At that time it didn't thunder, they say. hakW.duN' doo.nai.t.get n.doo' ya'.nii
Haakwdang' chin-ndoo-hit, doo-ch'dinii yaa'nii. Then / trees were not when / it didn't thunder, / they say. Since there were no trees to be struck, it did not thunder, they say. hakW.duN' tcun.doo.hut doo.tc'.dun.nii n.doo' ya'.nii
Doo-ch'tilk'ish yaa'nii. It didn't lighten, / they say. There was no lightning, they say. doo.tc't.tul.k'uc ya'.nii
Haakwdang' aah ndoo' yaa'nii. Then / clouds / were not, / they say. At that time there were no clouds, they say. hakW.duN' aH n.doo' ya'.nii
Yiist'oot' ndoo' yaa'nii. Fog / was not, / they say. There was no fog, they say. yiis.toot n.doo' ya'.nii
Doo-noochook-ee yaa'nii. It didn't appear, / they say. It did not get light out, they say. doo.noo.tcoo.ke ya'.nii
Gooyaanii' ndoo' yaa'nii. Stars / were not, / they say. There were no stars, they say. goo.ya.nii' n.doo' ya'.nii
---- Shaa ndoo-hit, dii nee' ninisdik'ee' yaa'nii, uudee' nchaagh nees. ---- Sun / was not when / this / earth / got up, / they say,/ its horn / large / long. ---- Then, while the sun did not exist yet, this earth## got up, they say, with its large horns. ---- ca n.doo.hut dii ne' nun.us.duk.k'e' ya'.nii uu.de' n.tcaG nes ##This refers to to Iintc'ee' Taaloon', Soft Deer, who basically forms the substrate of the earth.
See ileeh-teelit nchaagh, uusii', jeeschow yaa'nii, nghindoo' yaa'nii. Stones / were becoming when / large, / its head / elk/ they say, / was not, / they say. As the stones were becoming large its head, they say, disappeared, they say. se ul.le.tee.lit n.tcaG uu.sii' ges.tcoo ya'.nii n.gun.doo' ya'.nii
Diinak' chin doo-bang tc'in yaa'nii. "South / trees / will not be" / he said / they say. "There will be no trees in the south," he said, they say. dii.nuk' tcun doo.buN tc'in ya'.nii
Doo kwsii'daa' dintc'aah-bang shoo'tc'ilaah yaa'nii. Not / their heads / will be sick / he fixed / they say. He fixed it so that people wouldn't have headaches, they say. doo kW.sii'.da dun.tca.buN coo'.tc'il.la ya'.nii
"Yiidak' yaah-bii' ndoo-bang, uuyaashtc waanintcii'-bang," tc'in yaa'nii. "Up / in sky / shall not be, / little / shall be wind," / he said / they say. "There will not be any up in the sky, there will be light wind," he said, they say. yii.duk' yaH.bii' n.doo.buN oo.yacts wa.nun.tcii.buN tc'in ya'.nii
Doo-kooghiis'iing' yaa'nii. One could not see / they say. One could not see, they say. doo.koo.giis.iN' ya'.nii
Doohaa' chin djee'ghint'aas yaa'nii. He didn't / tree / split / they say. He didn't split the tree, they say. doo.ha' tcun dje'.gun.t'as ya'.nii
Naaghaichow doohaa' see taaskaal yaa'nii. Nagaitcoo / didn't / stone / break / they say. Naaghaichow didn't break the rock, they say. na.gai.tcoo doo.ha' se tas.kal ya'.nii
Doohaa' chin doohaa'-djee'ghiltaal' yaa'nii. Didn't / tree / didn't kick open / they say. He didn't kick open the tree, they say. doo.ha' tc'un doo.ha'.dje'.gul.tal' ya'.nii
"Danshoo'-haa' too noodootalh-kwosh?" "Who / water / can stand on?" "Who can stand on the water, I wonder?" dan.coo'.ha' too noo.doo.tAL.kwuc
Ghint'ee naahneesh kwong' nghindoo' yaa'nii. Now / people / fire / was not / they say. Now there was no human fire, they say. gun.t'ee na.nec kwooN' n.gun.doo' ya'.nii
Nee' ndoo' yaa'nii. Land / was not / they say. There was no land, they say. ne' n.doo' ya'.nii
Neesding nee' ndoo' yaa'nii. Far / land / was not / they say. Far away there was no land, they say. nes.duN ne' n.doo' ya'.nii
Too teesyaa-hit chin ndoo' yaa'nii. Water / when it went / trees / were not / they say. When the water went there were no trees, they say. too tes.ya.hut tcun doo ya'.nii
Nee' ndoo' yaa'nii. Land / was not / they say. The was no land, they say. ne' n.doo ya'.nii
Noonii ndoo' yaa'nii. Grizzlies / were not / they say. There were no grizzlies, they say. noo.nii n.doo' ya'.nii
Lhooyaashtc tc'indin-naakaishtc toonai ndoo'-hit taalghal yaa'nii. Suckers / blue lizards / fish / were not when / were thrown Blue lizards were thrown into the water as suckers##, when there were not fish, they say. Loo.yacts ts'un.dun.na.kaicts too.nai n.doo'.hut tal.gAl ya'.nii ##gfn 216: "In each case there is a superficial resemblance between the land animal and the water animal into which it is transformed. Many of these were pointed out. They are not mentioned in the myth, probably because an Indian audience is supposed to have them in mind."
Toonai ndoo'-hit, "Diishaan toonai-bang?" Fish / when were not / "What / fish will be?" When there were no fish, "What will be fish?" too.nai n.doo'hut dii.cAn too.nai.buN
"Diishan lheedoon-mang?" tc'in yaa'nii. "What / salt will be?" / he said / they say. "What will be salt?" he said, they say. dii.cAn Le.doo.muN tc'in ya'.nii
Ch'woshtcee' baantoo', ch'woshtcee' hai lheedoong' sliing' yaa'nii. Foam / ocean / foam / that / salt / became / they say. Ocean foam, that foam became salt, they say. tc'.wooc.tce' ban.too' tc'.wooc.tce' hai Le.dooN' sliN ya'.nii
Naahneesh biiyee' lheedoong' hai beel'ai' yaa'nii. Indians / their / salt / that / they tried / they say. The Indians tried that salt of theirs, they say. na.nec bii.ye' Le.dooN' hai bel.'ai' ya'.nii
Hai nshoon yaa'nii, lheedoong' baantoo'. That / good / they say / salt / ocean. That ocean salt is good, they say. hai n.coon ya'.nii Le.dooN' ban.too'

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